
Aim high and achieve even higher

With great trust comes great responsibility, which means your faculty and staff should should reflect the highest values of your institution...

A thorough pre-hire background check is a critical step in the education arena. For educators, food service, janitorial, maintenance personnel, and volunteers, the pre-hire background check must be thorough, fast and accurate.

ThirdEyeChecks provides schools, vocational centers, tutorial companies and certification programs with comprehensive and rapid background screening services so that you can make the safest hires.

Many school districts utilize the state fingerprinting system for background checks. But most superintendents know that these background checks can take several weeks to complete, depending on the state's workload, resource constraints and staff limitations.

When you are staffing up for the new school year or if someone in a critical position quits or gets terminated, you need to fill positions quickly and with confidence.

This is why many school districts use our services. We can provide the information needed to make a hiring decision within 24 to 48 hours in most cases. This kind of speed enables the school district to make a rapid hiring decision with confidence. The district still uses the state fingerprint system, as required by law, but this check simply confirms what the district already discovered using a ThirdEyeChecks background check.

With a ThirdEyeChecks background check, you can:

  • Provide a safe learning environment for students
  • Maintain a safe work environment for faculty, staff, volunteers and vendors
  • Preserve the integrity and reputation of your school
  • Ensure employees are qualified and suitable for employment

At ThirdEyeChecks, we know that student background checks are becoming more widely utilized at many education institutions. Designed expressly to meet this need, ThirdEyeChecks has created a self-service feature designed for programs requiring a pre-enrollment background check. Our self-service feature will supply the information you need to make an enrollment decision while minimize burdens on admin staff, saving both time and money in the process.

With ThirdEyeChecks as your background screening partner, you can access the information you need, when you need it, to make the safest hiring and enrollment decisions.